what do you eat after giving birth?
For mommies out there: if you just delivered and want to breastfeed but realised you have no milk, what do you eat to boost milk? Will the lactation consultant be invited to see u or...? (To note: this is when u are in hospital)

They usually offer you the Chinese confinement food for your meals. Try to eat as much as you can, and drink all the soups and also drink water. You will only have a tiny bit of colostrum the first few days. That’s normal:) Don’t feel pressured to have a lot of milk at the beginning. The most important thing is to get baby to latch and suck well, so that you can stimulate the milk production, and also not get sore nipples, which would hinder your breastfeeding. Most of the O&G nurses are trained to guide you in breastfeeding, and if there are problems, you can request for the lactation consultant to come by:)
Read morefirst few days your milk will be very minimal, u can request for LC to come see you if you’re struggling, first 2 days were hell as i didn’t really have any milk & baby won’t latch properly, i supplemented with formula for 3 days till my milk came in around day3/4 & i was only able to pump 20-30ml per 30min session, now on day 9 i am pumping about 170-210ml per 20-30min session(i’m exclusively pumping). you can try to pump while you’re in hospital too to stimulate milk supply!
Read morein hospital, just latch, dont need to boost anything. . youll produce colostrum before milk, its good for baby. milk will come in after few days. nurse IC will prompt you also if they realise you didnt latch your baby. kkh do give a booklet and theres a table for you to keep track the time you latch, how long you latch. and yes a lactation nurse will come in to meet you. to see how you latch and give advices. you can ask questions too
Read moreKkh will have lactation consultant to guide you. Trach u how to express milk.try getting syringe to collect some colostrum. Also let baby latch and latch. It takes time before milks kicks in. When u are hime can try pumping too.
I heard you can request for the lactation consultant to visit you in the ward after delivery to advise and coach you on breastfeeding. There are some fees payable for the service though but I heard it was worth it!
Lactation cookies don’t work. They’re just comfort food. U need to drink more liquids to have breastmilk and request LC.
My lc came to me and teach me about bf the mother I am back to ward. Milo Fish Oat biscuits All these boost bm
Read moreLatch and pump. Fenugreek supplement and oats drinks for breakfast. Drink plenty of fluids.
Personally, stress is the biggest impediment when no other booster can help 😞
You must keep latching. Milk does not automatically come after you give birth.