hello mummies! had my 1st appt last week and was confirmed 12weeks pregnant. doctor was concerned about this 2nd pregnancy as i had a 3rd degree tear for my 1st delivery in 2020. he then referred me to specialist to check the area muscle in 3 weeks time. was told if my anus and around that area muscle is weak, may need to opt for c-sect realised i cant sit long enough or my anus will feel abit pain but not so sure bc i work office based and sit quite alot (im small built hence my butt no enough cushion 😅 and feel this even before this 2nd pregnancy) 1st delivery: normal assisted delivery (vacuum) / epi / 40+1 weeks / induced for 23hrs and pushed for 2hrs / 3rd degree tear qns is, any mummies same situation as me and still managed to go for normal delivery? :( #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy #worried
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