sore throat during confinement
I am halfway through my confinement. I suspect that my confinement food is too heaty and it resulted in my sore throat. I undetstand i cannot eat too cooling food or drinks. Anyone knows what i should eat?

2nd week into my confinement I started having sore throat as well..I cut down on the red dates tea and eat lesser ginger..some say confinement cannot drink water some say can.. anyway I just drink more water and few days later everything's great :)
It’s okay to take lozenges to soothe your throat. Confinement food is really heaty. I would also encourage you to drink water, if you’re okay with that. It’s neither heaty nor cooling.
If you really need to drink water make sure it's boiled water in warm temperature. Not unboil or filter water. I heard the content in boil water is differnt. Not so cooling.
Relate the situation to your tingkat company and see if they can provide less heaty foods, less ginger etc. On the meantime, drink more water, less of the red date tea.
Drink lot of plain water as it helps subsiding the heat of the food. Also, try to avoid lot of sesame oil in your food
You bought tingkat or nanny cook ? Can I know What type of foods u have eaten or order ?
Drink more water at least 12 cups. If too painful do see a doctor...Take care!
cut down on the ginger and red dates...let your confinement lady know..
Reduce amount of ginger, red dates and sesame oil in your food
I still drink water in addition to the red dates tea.
Queen of 1 adventurous magician