Slept through the night

My baby slept through the night from 9.30pm to 9am. Do i need to feed her once during the night? She is 6 months.

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Thành viên VIP

i envy you 😕 cant wait for my 1mo to go that stage hahaha

Super Mom

So nice.. envy.. they will wake up when they are hungry..

Its fine... she will wake up if she wants milk.

Let her sleep.. She'll wake up if she's hungry

let her sleep through no need wake for feed

You'll be glad to just let her sleep 😂

Thành viên VIP

No need. Let her sleep through the night

Super Mom

No need:) just feed more during the day

Super Mom

Wow! Let your LO sleep through! :)

Influencer của TAP

Wow! Hope she is growing well 💕