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Mother of two
Just for sharing
Today I learned something about "virtual autism". It's a condition similar to autism but not really autism. Caused by overused of gadget or screen time. Happened to very young children. They can recite abc 123 up to 100 and sing songs but these are for their own entertainment purpose only. not for communication. They don't know words can be used for communication. Reversible by play, play, play.. bye bye TV 😆 Correct me if I'm wrong
Toddler walking style
Does anyone heard of ah bu kah in hokkien (mother duck feet) before? How to correct this in toddler?
Baby snacks
Hello anyone can share with me nice yogurt melts recipes for baby and toddler? TIA
Feeding solid food
Feeding solid foods to toddler is a difficult chore. It always take up to 30 mins to one hour or longer. Do you agree mummy and daddy? Yes OR No? 😀
Black stool
Does pediasure chocolate flavor causes black stool in children? TIA
Talks about life
Do you talk about death with your spouse at the age of 30+. Topics including the preparation, will, children, how you want to be buried etc. Can it be a sign of anything? 🤔
Comfort nursing
How to wean off comfort nursing? Pacifier last option. #advicepls
Feeding time interval
How to lengthen newborn feeding time from two hours to three hours?
Reduce bm oversupply
I don't want to store too much breast milk in the freezer. What can I do to make my supply just enough or just a little bit more than what my baby need? Problem with oversupply during first pregnancy. TIA #advicepls
Baby head down
How to know baby head down without ultrasound and what can we do to encourage it to go down? #pregnancy #advicepls