Slept through the night
My baby slept through the night from 9.30pm to 9am. Do i need to feed her once during the night? She is 6 months.

12h sleep is so awesome. If baby is at a good weight and weight gain rate, I'd definitely say let her sleep! It's great for her mental and physical growth. However as other mums have mentioned, if weight is low, you may want to consider a dream feed at night or feed right before sleeping and feed as soon as she wakes up.
Read moreWow thats good.. Just her sleep, do not disturb her. Im hoping mine can sleep through like yours. We still need to wake up at least 2 times for night feeding.. 😂
So gd to sleep throughout the night. So envy you. If she does not wake up for milk then do no bother. Jus let her drink enough milk when she wakes up.
I did. Coz if i don't feed her at least once, she'll wake up SCREAMING for milk, lol. Anyway i don't really wake her up. She drink while she sleep
Wooooah. Syiok. 😭 Okay, back to yr ques, I'd feed if baby percentile is at the lower end.
I would do so. I would usually dream feed my baby and check her diapers at the same time
Maybe can consider a dream feed if her daily intake is not yet up to the required ml.
So good!☺better let baby sleep. Its also good for her development
If your lo isn’t jaundice, you can let her sleep thru the night!
No need. Juz let her sleep. If she gets hungry, she will wake up