Sleeping through the night
My baby is 3 months 12 days but hasn’t slept through the night. Seems like most babies about this age have slept through the night. Mine still wakes up every 3 hours to feed. Is mine the only one?

You are not alone! :) Mine just turned 4 months and he still wakes up every 3-4 hrs through the night. He will only sleep through the night if we bring him out and he got so tired. But if he sleep through the night, his diaper will be leaking in the morning. I rather he wakes up every 3-4 hrs so that we can change his diaper as he will sleep comfortably :)
Read moreWe have no issues waking up every 3 hours feeding our baby. We let her decide when she wants to wake up for milk.. and one night she just learnt to sleep thru until now. My baby is currently 10 months. Hang on Mommy :)
You r not alone n u hv so much time to reach tht phase , for us took almost 2yrs to reach tht phase , once ur kid fulfledged with solids in take then u can sleep while nt peacefully until then u hv to bare it
You're not alone mummy! My baby is coming to 5 months in a few days and wakes up for milk every 4 hours.. sometimes when my supply dips she wakes up every hour 😅😅 Let's all hang on and jiayou together!
Every babies is different, mine firstborn slept thru the night since 2 month but secondborn slept thru the night since 3 month plus. No worries you will pass the phrase. For me cause I give they pacifier.
my firstborn, always wake up at least 1 time until she's about 2 years old. second born, 4 months still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night, near morning she will wakes every 1 hour
My baby woke up through the night to drink milk till he was 2! Each baby has their own sleeping and feeding pattern. You just have to see how it evolves with your baby
Not mine My lo is already 15m , not yet sttn haha 3 months is still early to sttn. Some babies after 6months then will, some not. So really depends
Read moreEvery baby is different. My 2 kids didnt give me a at least one 8hrs of sleep at night till they are 2 haha. It gets better. :)
Mine is 3 months and is sleeping for 3-8 hours a night depending on how tired out from the day's activities he is.