Sleep through the night?

When did your baby start to sleep through the night? And from what time to what time did your LO successfully slept through each night?

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3 months. She goes to bed at 8pm but there will be some nights that she will wake up for milk then sleep thru until next morning.

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My LO start sleeping through the night when she was 3 months old, 8pm sleep.. around 6am wake up for milk..

Influencer của TAP

I have the same question too! My LO keeps on waking up every 3 hours or sometimes 2 hours from midnight.

Super Mom

From 2.5 months.. These days, she sleeps from 9pm - 7am. There are days she wakes up around 5:30/6am for milk.. She’s coming 3 months in few days time.

All my four boys sleep thru the night till morning and there goes the cycle till 6 months. All of them are a heavy sleeper since newborn till 6 months. They dont cry for milk often when they were newborn.