When do you stop sterilising baby bottles?

At what age do you stop sterilising baby bottles?

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Super Mom

I read the guidelines as 9 months. I followed that for my first daughter and she had no issues. For my second daughter (6.5 months), I can’t sterilise her bowl and spoon that I feed her food with, and she’s still fine too. But I sterilise her bottles + pump. Haha

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I just kept sterilizing cause I am lazy to keep my uv sterilizer haha and also if keep already no place to store milk bottle. 😂My girl is 27mo now hehe

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I heard a lot people suggest 1 y/o. My lo is 6 months , and I actually only sterilize once a day now😅

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It's best to continue sterilising your baby's bottles until she's at least 2 years old (:

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Planning when she's 2 years old.

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Until stop feeding throw bottle

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plan to stop at 2 yrs old

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I stopped around 2yo

i stopped at 3

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About 1yo