Nursing mothers take ginger during confiment?
Nursing mothers, do you take Ginger or food cook with ginger during your confinement period?
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Yes, especially for my first born. My dad would always add ginger in everything he cooked for me. No issues so far.
yes, was forced too. baby was jaundiced too but turns out it was just breastmilk jaundice
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Yes, I did. If your child had jaundice, you’ll have to avoid ginger
I did but because my baby was jaundice I avoid taking too much
I had it for few days then stopped cause my baby got jaundice
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Not the first few days I think. Especially if u are BF.
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Yup! But not too much too as it can be very heaty.
A little, but I didn't eat the ginger at all.
Super Mom
No, I don't dare to cos my baby had jaundice.
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Yes in moderation as it is v heaty
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