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Nurturer of 3 lovely princesses
After miscarriage...
Just learned that my unborn baby has stopped growing after ~7th week and as of yesterday, has no heartbeat. I haven’t passed the sac yet and will wait for about a week. If after a week and I still haven’t passed the sac, I will go thorough with medication. My question to fellow mums who have experienced miscarriage is, what did you do with the sac after you’ve passed it out? Did you do some kind of ritual or burial?
Helper Salary
How much would you pay your helper who will be looking after 2 children - 1 toddler and 1 newborn?
Brushing Teeth
When did you start brushing your LO’s teeth?
Breakfast for babies
At which age did you start to give your LOs breakfast? What time do you serve it? What kinds of food do you prepare?
Cakes without eggs and nuts
My LO will be turning 1 year old in 3 weeks. She is allergic to nuts and eggs. Any good bakeshop that sells cakes with no eggs and nuts that you guys can recommend?
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Mother’s day is over. Father’s day will be in a month or so. Any gift ideas for Dads?
Blood test for allergy
Any of you mummy’s brought your LO’s for the blood allergy test? How accurate was it?
Teeth for lo’s age
How old is your lo now and how many teeth does he/she have? Does he/she bite your nipples during bf-ing? Mine is 9 months old and she has 5 - 3 on the upper gum and 2 below. My girl bites mine and my leftie already has a cut. I’m considering weaning her off bf, how can I do it?
Allergies to body wash - Cetaphil with Aloe Vera and Almond Oil
Any of you mummies used this Cetaphil body wash variant for your LOs? Any issue? My girl uses this occasionally and she will have these rashes during and after her shower. It does go away on its own after a few hours.
Night Terror in Babies
Do babies as young as 7 months+ have night terrors? It started just last week and happened every few nights. My LO will all of a sudden cry in the middle of the night and quite hard to console. And her cry was as if she saw something scary...