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Sweetice, Singapore

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About Sweetice

Mommy of 1 little Girl And another one is baking...

Super Mum
My baby rejected the bottle for 3 months. Lol. I can only laugh about it now, because my husband finally succeeded in feeding her after so long. 1) you cannot be the one feeding her with the bottle. She’ll get upset that you’re not latching her. So it should be your husband or someone else doing the bottle training, or ideally the person who’s going to take care of her when you go back to work 2) she needs to be fed in a place she doesn’t associate with you. Again, in that room, she expects you to latch her on 3) upsize the teat to the 3m+ one if you haven’t. Babies hate slow flow rates at this age 4) bring her outside of the house during the day time to try feeding. The white noise there + sunlight overwhelms the senses, so she gets distracted for a while and may be more agreeable to suck from the bottle. At 4m+, my husband succeeded on the rocker, because my LO would play with the dangling toys and then agree to suck 5) if you really can’t get her to drink, consider sending her to some parentcraft specialists for bottle training. Takes some stress off you:) Bottle training for babies who prefer direct latching doesn’t succeed in a day. It may take days/weeks, so keep persevering and don’t feel too stressed. Eventually, when they are hungry, they will drink. They do have some survival instincts. In the meantime, there will be some wasted milk, some frustration and some panicking, but from someone who just went through this recently... It will get better soon!
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