Bath baby before or after feeding?
I was told to bath baby before feeding in the morning, however I realised my LO will cry loudly (because hungry) during bathing. I prefer to bath her 30mins after feeding her. She didn't cry & looks comfortable after. How about you mummies?

It depends on the situation and baby. Usually my baby will have milk after his bath in the morning and evening. But sometimes i give him before, it all depends. I kinda go with the flow.
When my LO was younger, bathing after feeding was always better too. Haha. Happy baby during the bath. Now that she’s older, it doesn’t matter because the feeding intervals are wider
I used to do it when she was younger than 6mth old. Now that she is 10mth, she gets hungry faster so I will feed her a bottle in the morning then rest for 1h before bathing her.
Younger than 2 months, she drinks milk 30 mins before morning bath. At night, drink milk after shower. Now, always shower first before drinking milk. She loves bath times!
I follow my baby cues. If she starts to fuss before shower, will feed her first. Else, shower then feed. Cus then itd be easier for her to sleep. 😊
Depends on whether she's hungry. If alresdy fussing for milk I will feed her first then bath 1h later. Otherwise usually bath her before feed.
I would prefer to bath before feeding, but if baby’s hungry already, then no point to force to bathe then feed since baby can’t wait.
Yessss exact same situation for mine. She enjoys her bath better when she isnt hungry 😂
I will shower my baby 1 hr after feed if not she will cry very loud and I will get panic.
Mine drinks after and usually after he is awake. So I Guess it depends babies from babies