
how do u wake your 6week old up for bath? or do u just let them sleep till they wake up? my lo sometimes can sleep for up to 9hrs(dreamfeed) and when she finally wakes up she’s usually hungry and will cry nonstop if i tried to bathe her before feeds, after feeds she will go back to sleep.

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Super Mom

I wouldn’t wake my baby for a bath at night 😅 Sleep is so precious. During the daytime, I would bathe the baby after a feed. If baby always falls asleep after feeding, I would do a half feed just to quench the thirst a bit, then bathe baby, and then feed again so baby can nap after:) Anyway, the awake interval during the day will increase after a while, so you’ll have more awake time to bathe baby soon:)

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I don’t wake him up. Wait for him to wakeup. Depending on his mood, if he wants to feed, i will feed him first and wait awhile after the feed to bath him. If he is okay, i quickly change and bath him and then feed!

i dont wake my lo up.ill just wait during her playtime and shes giggling and not cranky. can be depending before or after feeds.

Thành viên VIP

I let my LO wake up on her own. I won't wake my LO up for bath.

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I feed first and wake bb up for bath about an hour later

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I will feed her first then wake her up for bath.

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Will wait to awake then shower

Feed first , then bath :)

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i wait till they wake up

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Sleep till wake up