Bath baby before or after feeding?

I was told to bath baby before feeding in the morning, however I realised my LO will cry loudly (because hungry) during bathing. I prefer to bath her 30mins after feeding her. She didn't cry & looks comfortable after. How about you mummies?

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Will follow the baby cues but if I feed I will wait for a longer while before I bathe.

Yeah, my LO bathes about 30mins after feeding too if not she'll scream the whole house down

5y trước

Ur baby vomits or not? Cuz i scared to try later he vomit out all the milk😬

If too near to feeding time, then feed 1st If not, will create a fuss when bathing

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Yup, I agree with your method. I normally feed my baby before bathing her.

Influencer của TAP

What you do is correct👍 Follow baby's preferences 🙂

If it is her feeding time I will feed her before bath.

Super Mom

Yes, I was doing that as well :)

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