Can I bathe during confinement? If I can't, how do I wash my private part? Can I even touch water ?
Can I bathe during confinement? If I can't, how do I wash my private part? Cab I even touch water ?

Hi there, just sharing my experiences... I am Malay and I had normal delivery for both kids. Sharing my race bcos it's ok in my culture to shower normally during pantang. And bcos both my deliveries are normal, I had no major wounds to cover during shower. However, I was advised to shower not too early in the morning cos 'scared get morning chills' and not to late in the noon (this one not sure why. lol!). So I shower around 9ish right b4 my massage lady comes. I understand from some of my Chinese friends they shower with herbal water for better circulation or something (I might be wrong on this). U can check around ya.. 😊 Overall, most of my friends from other races have green light with showering as it is good for hygiene. So if can shower, means can touch water, I guess? And wash private areas... But 1st week we not encouraged to shower baby cos 'not strong enough'. But I do have some friends that shower their nb cos no one else can help them.
Read moreOf course you can bathe during confinement unless it is a tradition/culture that you don't bathe during confinement. Just maybe wiping down perhaps. But, nowadays people do bathe during confinement. They shower once a day/twice a days with warm water. For C Section mummy, wound area covered by plastic. For mummy with stitches at vaginal area, will seat on sitz bath at toilet bowl.
Read moreTradition or culture, mummies have to prioritise hygiene. Especially in our humid country. Especially when you breastfeed. Especially when you had vaginal delivery. Need to wash and clean. Otherwise you’ll have germ infections which are more painful. Keep yourself clean and fresh. You’ll feel good!

yes! you can and I think you should.. given the humid weather in SG, to keep yourself clean and fresh.. some mommies shower with warm herbal water during confinement; if not can also just shower with warm water and dry urself thoroughly before coming out of the showers to avoid catching a 'cold'.
Of course. No babies would like smelly mommy. Plus it’s personal hygiene and u don’t want to spread germs to ur baby. use warm water instead of cold.
Read this article .hope this helps
YES! Hygiene purposes. Warm bathe.
I erred on the side of caution
of course you can 😊,
live as per normal