Feeling Unsettled: My Husband's 'Jokes

Hey everyone, I'm feeling really unsettled lately and I need some advice. My husband has this habit of making jokes that honestly, leave me feeling pretty sad. He often teases about selling me to his friends for some extra cash, and while I know he's just trying to be funny, it's starting to weigh on me. It's like he says it so often that it's lost its humor, and I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness every time. What's worse is that he seems to think it's okay because it's all in good fun. But it's not fun for me. It's starting to make me question whether he respects me or our relationship. To make matters worse, he knows I find some of his friends attractive, and he jokes about selling me to them. It's triggering in a way, and I'm not sure how to address it without starting an argument. Am I overreacting? Should I just brush it off like he does? Or is it time for a serious conversation? I could really use some guidance here. Thanks for listening. Feeling Unsettled Wife

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I feel that you'll need to sit him down and tell him that you need to share your feelings seriously. Basically, before even bringing up the topic, tell him that you wish to share something very seriously, so that he listens with the appropriate mindset and not assume that you're joking around. Impress upon him the seriousness of these jokes, and how they made you feel. He might defend himself saying tt he's just kidding,but let him know that you're very affected by what he's saying, and to stop doing it out of respect for you.

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Coming from a mental health perspective, I think it is important for you to set aside time to communicate your feelings regarding this cleaely to your husband and to ask him on his own thoughts and feelings on the matter. Clear communication regarding your feelings and boundaries are important in a marital relationship.

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give him a big slap and tell him you want to sell him off to [insert name of a lady he hates] kidding. don't let him get away, warn him not to do it again and learn to respect you. you are not a hooker, for goodness sake.

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Tell him calmly how u feel when u heard what he said.. The same way u wrote here. U hv ur right to express urself. Ur husband should know the boundary, some joke is not funny at all.

By brushing it off, you’re allowing him to do it. This seems like a juvenile issue. Just tell him to stop.

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