What to do?

I'm currently in week 10, and have been experiencing quite a lot of discomfort. This is our first and my partner has been very supportive, but some times when I tell him about some of my symptoms he questions if I'm imagining things or psycho-ing myself to feel bad. Even if I insist he still sound like he doesn't believe me and it's making me feel quite bad. I don't know what else I can do to convince him that it's not just all in my head!

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Super Mom

There’s a lot of discomfort in the first trimester that’s hard to explain to anyone else. It’s just terrible.. from nausea to giddiness to headaches to fatigue to abdominal pain/discomfort... there’s a whole host of things a pregnant mum goes through. I realise I can’t expect my husband to understand.. so I just say I’m not feeling well, and ask him to let me rest. Keep it simple for him. Haha

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Maybe get him to read those pregnancy articles for better understanding? I gotten my hubby to download the app tgt and login to my account so he can track my progress as well. I brought him to my doctor as well so the doc did explain some of the symptoms might get worse over the weeks. Good to have him involved.

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