1. Mummies, how long was your confinement and how long you waited before you wash your hair? Anything to share regarding confinement that you believe is effective or useful?

I didn’t do confinement (personal choice). Washed my hair from the day after delivery (in the hospital). My husband’s a stay at home dad, so we did everything ourselves. During the first month, your body is healing (whether vaginal delivery or C section), so if anyone can help you and if you’re okay with that, accept the help. If you’re planning to breastfeed, it’s not easy for most of us. Don’t stress yourself out about it. Latch on demand, enjoy the bond, and top up with formula if the supply’s not meeting the demand yet. That gets rid of jaundice faster, and you’re less stressed, baby’s less angry and your nipples are less cracked from angry sucking. Once the supply comes in and baby sucks properly, there’s no pain and it’s a lovely way to bond with baby. If you do breastfeed, drink loads of fluids (3L/day), whether soups or tea or water. If you’re planning to exclusively pump or only give formula, that’s perfectly fine too. Be at peace with your decision:) You’ve probably heard this a lot... sleep when baby sleeps. At least for the first month, do it. Your body needs to heal. You’ll still be in pain or feel discomfort somewhere. Housework can be pushed back (someone else should do it). For meals, if you have someone cooking for you, great! Otherwise, consider ordering in confinement food. It is way too tiring to navigate through your first month as a mother and also need to worry about cooking. For baths, do whatever you believe in.. whether it’s not bathing or bathing with herbs or bathing with water. For me, I bathed with warm water, shampoo and soap since day 1 after both my pregnancies. I’m happy with my decision:) There will be many moments of distress when you cannot understand what your baby needs, or why your baby keeps crying, but remember that baby was very secure while inside you, and now it’s extremely scary to be out. The only mode of communication is to cry. So hang in there, be patient with baby, and don’t stress out yourself. Keep cycling through baby’s needs (milk/diaper change/sleep or tiredness/fear and insecurity). One of them is the correct answer. I promise you, there are even more moments of joy and love than distress in this journey of parenthood.. so take the time to enjoy it and savour it. All the best!:)
Read moreDelivered at Thomson medical via c sect. Cousin is a staff nurse at SGH, came over to wash me on bed itself. Single room so had the privacy. Washed up the second day as I perspired so much, I got itchy. Cut my hair short so that it'll be easier to clean up, less cold. 42 days confinement as it takes 6 weeks for your womb to return to normal plus I had my period on the 45th day! I ate confinement food all the way, Thomson has a good book, drank warm water and orange juice(florida natural) occasionally as gynae recommended it is good to heal the wound. I took fish essence too. Delivering in 4 weeks at Thomson again. Cut my hair short again... only that cousin may not be able to come in plus she already has a kid and probably too busy 😭Also booked 2 bedder as my husband will sleep at home. My son may need his father to ease his anxiety. He is worried about the caesarian I'm going to have... So I'm wondering how long I will get washed this time. I'm preparing for breastfeeding so I bought supplements from to prepare my body. Last time I managed only 3 weeks.
Read moreMy confinement is 40 days cos I am C sec. I had very strict rule as my grandmother she experience confinment didn't do well having issue. I had my first bath at 1st week a quick one no hair wash. And 2nd week first hair wash. And last week alternate day hair wash. Everytime I shower with herbs that is brew and left it to cold before I can shower. I didn't follow rule of I should be lying down most of the time I had backache issue now. But I can feel the difference is I'm much more stronger then before after confinment. Probably is the tonic that I took. I used to feel cold easily quite weak always sick but now 13 month pp I don't fell ill easily like beforem
Read moreHi my confinement was about 1 month. When i had csect my mum told me to do 2 more weeks. I wash my hair everyday as long as I blow them dry and only during the day. Had to bathe with the herbs. Im not sure what is really effective or not but I think drinking warm water is something to keep the habit with especially when breastfeeding.
Read more1. 30 days of confinement for me. 2. I waited a week before I washed hair with herbal bath. 3. Enjoy your confinement food and bonding time with baby. Try to rest/sleep more and drink lots of red date tea and soups to boost your energy and breast milk.
35 days with confinement nanny.. wash hair once a week. Bath with herbal and boiled water every afternoon. Aircon and fan ventilate the house but no direct blow from it. Only open balcony door slightly as facing sea.
Confinement around 30 days. But I did it until 40 days. I waited until 3 days later I cannot take it anymore. Went to wash my hair haha. Drink more water, eat salmon and Milo or oats to boost your milk supply
35 days with nanny. Every day bath once with herbal bath. Wash hair once a week with herbal bath as well. Keep cool at home.. hygiene more impt if breast feeding. Wipe breasts before and aft every feed
Confinement was 28 days after discharging from hosp. Washed hair with herbs everyday and blow dry my hair immediately after that. Avoid ginger if baby has jaundice.
30 days. Immediately after the confinement period then I washed my hair. Avoid direct fan(aircon with 26 degrees Celsius is fine), bath with herbal bath and rest :)