How long was your confinement?
Was your confinement for a one month, or longer?

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Exactly one month (for hair washing & showering) +/- 1 week for herbal tonic etc. The older folk advised to avoid seafood and yam up till 100 days but it was during cny period so abit hard to avoid abalone during steamboat 😋
Thành viên VIP
Longer. I continued confinement food for another 2 weeks after 28days.
Almost 40 days for the food restrictions,1 month for everything else
Influencer của TAP
1 mth. Prolly go crazy if longer than that.
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Hahah 2 weeks proper after that I lazy alr
44 days. Now plus CB its prolonged haha
Super Mom
Didn’t really have confinement
Thành viên VIP
A month and counting
Thành viên VIP
Exact 1month 30days
2 weeks
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