
Hi just want to ask if it's a normal to have spotting,I m pregnant 3 months and 3day now but today I saw its a bit blood on my panty.

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Spotting during early pregnancy is quite common. Please consult your gynecologist and if necessary, he/she will admit you to hospital for medications and bed rest.

Best to see your gynae. If its brown spotting , not so bad. If its red fresh spotting, can be risky. Take care!

Thành viên VIP

You are just past trimester 1 so I would say better to be careful and seek gynae advice.

Spotting is normal but if you still feel uncertain please visit your doctor

Thành viên VIP

better check with gynae, spotting in any stage of pregnancy is not normal

Better check with your gynae to be on the safe side

Hi, Best to consult your gynae asap

Thành viên VIP

Best to consult your gynae asap

Super Mom

Better to see your gynae ASAP

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Go to the doctor immediately