To lose weight during Confinement!!!

Hi mummies.., What to eat or drink during confinement?.., i wanna lose wt..,nw currently 3wks confinememt..,

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Hey mama! It's awesome you're focused on your health during confinement. For weight loss, focus on nutrient-rich foods like veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. Stay hydrated! If you're looking for extra support, Eureka Wellness might be a great resource. They offer postpartum recovery programs, including personalized nutrition plans. Remember, listen to your body and don't be afraid to ask for help! You've got this! 💪

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Super Mom

If you're breastfeeding no need to restrict your diet, the weight will naturally go down. Just eat healthy nutritious food, cut down a bit on carb and oily food if you want. But it's important to eat full meals to keep up your strength to take care of baby. Drink plenty of water!

6y trước

Thkz u.., 🥰

Hey, Since you are in confinement period, I would suggest do mild yoga and have balanced diet. You can start some exercises after your confinement period as right now your body needs more nourishment

Thành viên VIP

Best to loose weight is after confinement period. Please dont do that during the confinement period please. You would need more energy and nutritions

Thành viên VIP

I lost weight while massaging. Not many would believe it but that’s what I’m experiencing. On my 3rd day of post natal massage, I lost a few kg.

Super Mom

Not during confinement please. Your body needs nourishment to recover and provide breastmilk for your baby.

Thành viên VIP

i lost wt with massaging, 3 meals per day, tons of water and bf. I lost 23kg after 3months.

Thành viên VIP

Lose weight after confinement! :) you need to rest and eat well after giving birth.

Thành viên VIP

If you're no longer breast feeding, suggest to lower food intake and eat healthy.

Influencer của TAP

The most effective way is BREASTFEED 😉 Need not control any diet