What to do next?

Hi mummies, I just tested and found out that I'm preggy, what should I do next?

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Congratulations! You can start research on which gynaecologist you would go to. You may consider some points to help in your decision: private or government hospital, gender of the gynaecologist, location.

Start on 5mg folic acid ASAP. You can buy from Watson’s pharmacy. Then you can schedule your appointment with your preferred gynae. Btw, congratulations! :)

Thành viên VIP

Congratulations. You can go to polyclinic to get folic acid and get letter for referral or get recommendation of gynae from your friends.

Influencer của TAP

Research on which gynae you want to go to. Or alternatively you can just go any first and decide on 2nd appt onwards.

5y trước

Thank you <3

Influencer của TAP

Congratulations! go find yourself a gynae and book your first appointment. meanwhile take s care of yourself

5y trước

Thank you babe! CB is lifted slowly so it should be fine soon ♡

Congrats! Schedule an appt and start folic acid 😊 take care !

Thành viên VIP

congrats! you can go poly to get a referral letter to hosp

Thành viên VIP

Congrats!! Have you find a gynae to follow up

See a gynae.

Congrats!!! 🥰

5y trước

Thank you :)