Cant talk many words
Hi mummies, my 20month old cant say more than 10 words, just Mama, daddy , mummy , his grandma name.. byebye.. should i be worry cos Ive read that must say more than 30 words?

My boy understands most things i say, but refused to say more words when he was at 20 months old. Then suddenly juz before his 2nd birthday, he started saying alot, even short phrases /sentences. So i believe its nothing to worry about. Juz observe 1st 😊
Don't worry, every child is different. My younger child started to talk only when she was 3 years old. She is so talkative now and is a gifted child.
every child is different... i was worried & almost brought to speech therapist... however at approx 3.5yo, my LO started & super talkative now 😅
mine 22 months refuse to talk understand everything you talk to her. she can speak 20 words only.
Dun worry , they will start saying new words soon