Hi! I'm a mom of an 18 month old boy. My baby babbles a lot, is able to say mama, dada, yaya, lala (for his grandmother), broom broom for driving or riding a car and understands a lot of words already. When should he be able to speak more words, enough for me not to worry if he is developing at a normal pace. Thanks!

Not to worry, your kid's speech is developing quite well! I have read that you usually base your baby's age with the syllable he or she is able to speak. Your kid is turning 2, so it means he's at the right pace. He should also be able to have at least 20 words in his vocabulary. By the time he turns 2, he should be able to connect two or more words with each other to communicate like "mama kiss" or "no eat"
Read moreWhat you can do is, start with 2 -3 words when u are talking to him. For example: -Drink milk/you want milk -wear shoe/wear your shoe -go out/let's go out Talk as simple as you can to your LO, so they can pick your words easily. Once he can say 2-3 words, than u can slowly increase the words. If you talk like a bullet train to him, he may not be able to catch it fast and anyhiw babble away instead.
Read moreThink your boy is definitely progressing at a fast pace. Most toddlers dun reach that stage so early. Dun be focused on getting the kid to memorise words or names. What you can do is experiential talking where you talk normally to your child and let him pick up the words along the way. He will enjoy the learning through play pretend and you will be surprised how much a young mind can be influenced!
Read moreYou really don't have to worry. Some kids take their own sweet time. But try reading or singing to your baby or a simple story time..sometimes the more they hear words the more they pick up. I have 4 boys and this worked really well for me. Specially singing and story time.
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He should be is his normal development. No stress if he knows 20-30 words. He will pick up more words by introducing him words he does not know yet. When he turns two, he will know a lot of phrases.
don't worry. my son was same as yours. But he is very talk active now (3 years old). Some boys have speech delay.
don't worry he is developing fine