Is it normal for a 16m boy not speaking much

He said words like mama dada hi bye but only if he feels like it. He also learned new words like bear n car. He repeats it for a few weeks when he just learned them. But now I don't hear it anymore. I only heard mama dada if he does speak. He likes to say mamam(means makan/eat) everyday when he's hungry. I've seen kids his age speaking more words than him. Is it normal should I be worried? 😫😫#1sttimemom #adviceappreciated

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Hey there! It's totally normal for a 16-month-old boy to not be speaking much at this age. Every child develops at their own pace, and some may start speaking earlier while others take a little more time. It's great that he's already saying words like "mama," "dada," "hi," and "bye," as well as learning new words like "bear" and "car." Even though he may not say them consistently, it's still a positive sign of his language development. It's also common for toddlers to go through phases where they repeat certain words for a while and then seem to move on from them. This doesn't mean he's regressing or forgetting what he's learned – he's just exploring and experimenting with language in his own way. If he's using "mamam" to ask for food when he's hungry, that's a great indication that he's starting to understand and communicate his needs. It shows that he's making progress in his language skills, even if it's not in the form of full sentences yet. As for comparing him to other kids his age, try not to worry too much about it. Every child is different, and what matters most is that he's making steady progress and showing an interest in communication. If you're still concerned about his speech development, you can always consult with a pediatrician or a speech therapist for some extra reassurance. But from what you've described, it sounds like he's doing just fine. Keep encouraging and talking to him, and before you know it, he'll be chattering away non-stop! 😊 #momssupportingmoms

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my LO only started talking at 3yo but super talkative now 🥴