How many words should an 18 month old be able to say?

This can vary a lot child by child and will also be impacted by how many languages are being used in his surroundings. In Singapore a lot of children are exposed to more than just English. In our case, our son speaks a lot more English words than German words, since English seems to have a lot shorter, mostly one-syllable words. His vocabulary revolves around food names (bread, milk, water, banana, apple, etc), actions he does every day (come, play, breakfast, eat, drink, etc), and things he usually wants (out, down, up, etc). I'd say 20-50 words should be a reasonable amount. Be aware -again- this amount could be split into English and another language. Our son doesn't know all words in both languages. Here's a good article on child development including speech at the stage of 18-months. I hope it helps
Read moreLanguage development picked up rapidly once your baby past the age of one. By 18 months, toddlers could be expected to form two-word sentences, such as “want ball”, “close door”, “mummy carry” etc. It is likely that they could say 10 or more words when asked, able to recognize, point to and say most body parts, pieces of clothing, familiar people, places and things. Still, children develop at different pace. Some may be just starting to say their first word at this age, while others may be putting two words together. For more information:
Read moreThe number of words that an 18-month can speak varies from child to child. It also depends on whether the child is bilingual or not. Most toddlers at this age are expected to be able to string together two words to indicate what they want and why. Like milk-hungry, out-play, me-want etc. If your toddler has a vocabulary or about 25-50 odd words, he should be just fine for his age.
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