not allowed to eat crab while pregnant

Hey moms, I'm feeling really sad right now. For the past two weeks, I've been craving crab, but my mother-in-law won't let me eat even a little bit. My husband always follows her lead, so he's constantly watching over me... I love crab, and I've been avoiding it since I got pregnant. But for some reason, I've been craving it so much in the past two weeks!!! I've been crying a lot and feeling stressed... sometimes I even feel small contractions in my belly. My mother-in-law says that if I eat crab, my child will become hyperactive... Is that true, moms?

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I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling sad and stressed about not being able to eat crab while pregnant. It's understandable that you're craving it, but it's important to follow the advice given to you, especially when it comes to your health and the health of your unborn child. Crab is generally safe to eat during pregnancy if it is cooked thoroughly, but there are some risks associated with certain types of seafood due to potential mercury content. It's possible that your mother-in-law is referring to the idea that eating crab could lead to a child being hyperactive, but there isn't strong scientific evidence to support this claim. To address your cravings, you can try finding alternative foods that are safe for you to eat during pregnancy and provide similar flavors or textures. You can also speak with your healthcare provider for more personalized advice and guidance on managing cravings during pregnancy. Remember that it's important to prioritize your health and the health of your baby during this special time. If you have concerns or questions about your pregnancy cravings, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider for professional advice and reassurance.

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I was eating crab every few weeks while pregnant with my first born. she's a healthy 12yo now. hyperactive? not at all. my second born, however, Idk why but I abide by the rules avoiding all things they say I should avoid, and he came out hyperactive. he's 10 now, still hyperactive with adhd. so I figured, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. we can only take so much precaution. I think as long as there's a healthy balance, it should be fine. I did, however, ignore a craving with my firstborn. wanted kfc so bad but was told to avoid fried chickens. my baby came out salivating. like seriously it was always dripping. so my husband bought kfc and gave her a lick and I swear, it stopped. I rly think u should have some crab. just balance it out after. also, I know it's hard but try to block all these noises. It affects the baby greatly.

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That is a myth. I ate crabs like 3 times during my pregnancy but maybe one or two each time. My boy is perfectly fine, loves cars and i dont think is hyperactive. He is 4 now. My firstborn, i dont think i ate any crab, is autistic. But shes perfectly beautiful. Just eat moderately. Go eat with your trusted friends. Regarding your husband and mil, i have a feeling theyre gonna blame you for everything that happens to your child. For your husband, tell him of he really loves you, he will he supportive of you and care for both you and baby. Not just the baby. For mil, thrs nothing you can do unless your husband is supportive. Really need to talk to him. Otherwise d only thing you cn do is to stand up for yourself. This is your child. Not hers. She have to step bck.

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your child can feel your emotions mommy so if you are depressed your child is also. so its better you just eat whatever you want (other than alcohol) and be happy instead. plus, what's wrong with babies being hyperactive? would you rather them be listless? and why does your mil and husband care? you're likely the one taking care of bb the most lol. and nothing suggests crab would cause hyperactive children anyways! so just eat your crab, be happy, and in any event your bb is hyperactive, accept him for who he is!

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maybe have imitation crab meat instead if really can't have crab meat? but this myth isn't even a widespread belief haha. hyperactive? lol if you say eat less seafood, it would still have some logic to it due to many seafood containing dangerous chemicals. but definitely not because of child will become hyperactive. Singapore's seafood are generally safe as long as you get them from reputable sources.

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Scientific fact, being sad increases cortisol levels which can affect your baby's brain development. Non-scientific fact, eating crab will make your child hyperactive. I usually tolerate old wives' tales if they don't bother me. If too ridiculous, I just forward science articles to support myself and my actions. Another great way is if gynae says OK means OK.

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i have this kind of husband too. Always follow his mom and his sis opinion, will not listen to my opinion. I feel stressed and sad too that time. For me, i have right to say and do what i like. You can try to google search and ask gynae for opinion whether can eat crabs or not. Be a happy mom to have happy kid

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I ate crabs 3x during my pregnancy and i'm in my Wk 27 + 5 now. Some old myths are abit senseless, so make your own decision and go for what makes you happy.. Always consume whatever in moderation, i think this is important.. Stay happy!

Kids are naturally very active, so I'm not sure what she defines as hyperactive. In any case, if that were true, a lot of kids would be hyperactive. Its not like you'll be eating 3 whole crabs, a bit of crab is fine.

Hi i believe crab have high mercury which is why its better to avoid. Try doing some research or best to consult with doctor. But many gynae are rushed with their work they just agree to everything you say 🙃