
Hi mommies, how do you all wash your LO’s face? Do you’ll wash with soap during bath time?

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I used washcloth with warm water during bath time and then mustela no rinse cleansing water during wipe down since birth. Now 4.5 months old, no skin issues at all.

4y trước

I use it on her face at night. We don't shower her twice a day, just once in the morning. So at night I use the no rinse cleansing water for her face and diaper area to be cleaner.

Influencer của TAP

I use a bathtub pump 1 pump of soap in the tub use a cloth to clean my baby from top to toe.

Thành viên VIP

I use damp cotton balls - wet with cool boiled water. I'd avoid soap

Thành viên VIP

Lightly during bath time.. other than that use cotton ball in water

Thành viên VIP

Washcloth with just water only After wash apply mustela face cream

Super Mom

I just use damp cloth and wipe LO’s face during bath time.

Thành viên VIP

Just use a damp cloth to clean will do. No need to use soap.

I only use damp cloth to wipe my LO face. No soap required.

Just wet the towel and wipe the face. No soap is needed

Super Mom

I used cotton balls with boiled water for washing face