When did you inform your company that you are expecting?

Hi! May i know when is a good time to share with your company that you are pregnant? Is it after first trimester? I have worked in current company for 2 years and this is my second pregnancy. First one was with a different company and this will be my rainbow baby so i am very careful this time. Also, is it normal if some days i feel light cramps and some days i don't feel cramps at all? I felt like i'm overthinking by not feeling the cramps all day long 🫣

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I told my boss the next day after finding out im pregnant with my rainbow baby so that she will load me off. And also, don’t overthink too much! In sha Allah, everything will go smoothly! Allah knows best ☺️

After 12 weeks mark, just so they can be prepared for backup and stuff. I didn’t notice any cramps at all tbh. It’s not an indicator for anything.

Best to tell early to ease off some workload in case they are unreasonable.