
Is lilo white bait powder good for babies? Considering whether to buy for my baby. Or is optional.

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Yea agree with other mummies that babies don’t need extra seasoning haha since they’ll have many more years afterwards to have food with seasonings. Now is good stage for babies to try fruits/ vegetables with original taste.

Super Mom

Optional. Never used it. I feel babies don’t need the added seasoning/salt:) they’re very happy without it

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It’s ok to try. The salt content is really low and the nutritional content is high.

Influencer của TAP

Optional? Is for a bit of seasoning but babies don't need that also. :)

Influencer của TAP

Optional, best to avoid. Let LO taste original food

I'll avoid seasoning for LO below 2

Optional All natural better

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Maybe when they're older(:

Okay thank you!