Last week, a neighbour kissed my baby on his lips. I was so surprised, I didn't even respond. I think it's unhygienic and disgusting. Am I overreacting? How can I be polite, but make sure this doesn't happen again?

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Definitely not over reacting I think what people are missing here is the fact that the hygiene issue is only part of the problem. Even though most will point out "I don't want people kissing my baby on the lips because it is unsanitary" I think deep down its not the main problem. There is a part of us that cringes when someone takes that kind of liberty by doing something that intimate without your permission. If your neighbor kissed you, you probably wouldn't think oh my god she'll give me germs, it would be more a situation of "That is an action is reserved for people that are really close to me" Anyway I think if it is really an issue of hygiene then you can let it slide, as everybody else has said the baby will put worse things in his mouth, but, if as I suspect, it is the intimacy of the act , you have the right to say please don't do that.

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Thành viên VIP

This is no overreaction, in fact this is the exact way to react! It's certainly unhygienic and unhealthy and in no way should be encouraged. The best way to deal with this problem is to bluntly tell this person to never repeat his/her actions again. After all it is the question of your child's safety. Be open and politely first up, don't allow physical contact with others. Tell them your child is susceptible to infections and you are avoiding him to have physical contact with outsiders. If you are bold enough, you are bluntly tell him/her to not kiss your child on the lips.

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Thành viên VIP

I'd definitely feel and react the same way! Luckily my neighbours don't do it, but if they will I'll frankly express my disapproval towards the act. But my not so close friends once did. Twas their first time to see my baby then but as frank as I am I told them that I was't happy with the lips kissing on my baby. Straightforward but not so harsh. (used our own language so it's more subtle I guess). And I agree to all the expressed opinions here. We only protect our child and protection could simply mean yourself setting up the rules.

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I don't think you are overreacting at all. If my neighbour kissed our son on the lips, I would react the same way, even if they were close friends. The next time the neighbour is with you, I would bring it up and ask her to give kisses only on the cheek or forehead. I think showing affection is important and depending on the child's relationship with the neighbour a kiss could be beneficial. But if you don't want that, just ask the neighbour (or anybody who intends to give a kiss) not to do it anymore.

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Thành viên VIP

No, you are not overreacting. Yes, it is not only unsanitary and disgusting, it is also inappropriate, dangerous and unhealthy. Babies do not have strong enough immune systems to defend themselves against a number of viruses, so they easily catch viruses from adults. Be firm and tell him that you appreciate that he finds your baby cute, but you do not want him touching or kissing your baby. Sure, he may be offended, but it's for the good of your child. The next time he tries that, yell out "No!".

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Definitely not over reacting.. I think it is highly inappropriate. Just like how one should never just carry a child away (like how many love to do) without seeking the parent's approval. I think if your neighbour tries to do that again, subtly shift your baby away when he/she start leaning in. Then politely explain that you would prefer if he/she could just pat your child on the head (or some other gesture) to show his/her affection. Then perhaps ask your baby to blow a flying kiss to say good bye.

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It's totally not appropriate. You need to explain your neighbour upfront, sure she'll understand. Also for next time, you can pre inform to the person who's holding your baby or you feel might touch the baby physically. Also, always keep a baby sanitizer along to hell in such situations

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Agreed with everyone here - not over reacting for sure. In fact, I always insist whoever wishes to touch or hold our baby would have to wash their hands first or at least the hand sanitizer! We didn’t care if our friends or close family members. Always be safe than sorry :)

You're not over reacting! It is possible to be straight with this person without offending them. Just tell them you believe it is unhygienic and it's your right as a parent to stop someone from doing something to your child that makes you feel uncomfortable.

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