stomach tightening
hi do u ladies ever feel ur stomach tightened and somewhat cramps but no bleeding. sometimes it hurts a lot till i need to sit on a bouncy ball. i'm just entering my 2nd trimester.. and at what week can we feel baby move or jitters? i felt something yesterday but then it might be wind/air 😅🤣

There's a lot of organ shifting in your body and you will get cramps as the muscles stretch to accommodate the changes. If this is your first pregnancy you may only feel the kicks later, closer to 24 weeks. It felt like a big blood vessel in my stomach pulsating to me, although now at 30 weeks it's more like having an alien in the belly thrashing around. Do be very careful on the bouncy ball, I have friends who strain their backs from sitting on it too long or or who get hurt falling off.
Read moreYou might start to feel your baby moving, often called 'quickening', around 18 weeks into your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, it might not happen until about 20 weeks. However, by the second pregnancy, you might notice the tell-tale signs as early as 16 weeks.
cant wait to feel baby's movement hehe thankyouu!
You can probably feel the stronger kicks at about week 22-24, before that it's like bubbles feeling. You might be experiencing braxton hicks as well, it's like false contractions
ahh i see . will look out for those 😊
i feel it too and doc said it's normal cause organs and shifting and i feel it more now at 13w like some odd pain at lower abdomen like a lot of gas!
i always feel this especially when bloated alot of gas 😅
Mumsy of 1 handsome cub & 1 beautiful cub