Help - 6 month old baby won't drink milk
My baby is turning 6 month old, and he usually has a very good appetite. Yesterday and today his milk intake suddenly decreased. Of a 120ml bottle he will only drink 20ml. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, and just plays with the teat and smiles without sucking; or suck a little then tries to scramble away. We had tried varying the milk temperatures, changing location and dimness of the room. He doesn't have a temperature or bloatedness either. He just genuinely seem like he has no interest in eating. He hasn't started on solids yet. Does anyone know what may be the cause and if there's any cause for concern? #1stimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp
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LO wailing all the time when trying to crawl
My 2.5mo has recently learned how to roll back to tummy, and will then proceed to kick himself forward using the railings until he reaches the end of the cot. Its obviously very tiring. And when he gets tired, he starts crying. If I rescue him and flip him back he immediately rolls back, or gets annoyed and wails. If I grab him up and soothe him, he struggles in my arms and wails. And when we put him down again he will roll or cry because apparently he hates being on his back now. It only stops when he is so tired he falls asleep after a crying bout. I get it is part and parcel of his learning journey, but has anyone encountered this and what do you do to help him? When the baby cries is it just out of exertion and we should leave him be, or does he need to be rescued - if so why does he still cry? And does anyone's LO eventually learn to flip tummy to back? My mom insists that's not a thing and babies only do back > tummy > crawl. #1stimemom #firstbaby
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My LO has just learned to flip a few days back. He used to do it with a lot of grunting and yelling, but had become quite good at quietly flipping today. He likes to do this at night (I don't know if he wants to sleep on his stomach) but he is only 2.5mo and cannot hold his head up for more than 2mins. Any advice please on how to create a safe environment for him and if he will suffocate coz his neck isn't strong enough yet? Relatives have advised to put pillows at his sides to stop him rolling but online advice was to remove all blankets and pillows in case he suffocates. These online advice seems to be for 4-6mo which is the usual age for rolling over though, I'm not sure if they apply for my LO.#pleasehelp #1stimemom
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Is it possible to WFH with an infant?
Hi, I will be delivering soon and utilizing 4 months of ML in one shot, and thus returning to work after the baby is 4 months old. My office is fine for me to WFH, and my parents are also fine to help take care of the baby at their place. Could you help to share what your post ML arrangements and experience is like? I'm not sure how much disruption to expect from the baby - if I can take care of the baby from home I will want to do so for as long as possible so I may latch; if not I'm not sure how and when to best transition the baby to the grandparent's house - I'll probably need to burn some annual leave to let the baby get used to spending time away from home. Any advice will be extremely helpful, thank you in advance! #FTWM #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls
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Loose stool and mild diarrhea in Third Trimester
Hi, may I know when you started having loose bowel movements in Third Trimester? I just entered Week 31 and have been having diarrhea first thing in the morning. There's no other discomfort so it isn't food poisoning. I read that this is the body's way of preparing for labor, but is Week 31 too early? Thank you! #1stimemom #advicepls
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Hi, has anyone been to a dietrician for GD and has it been helpful? I had been researching on the internet and pricking myself after being diagnosed 3 days ago - except for 2 bloopers I had been recording less than 7mmol after every meal. The clinic has now reached out and asked that I schedule an appointment with the dietrician. Could you help to share your experience please, how helpful it has been, or if it is a waste of money and time? Thank you. #advicepls #GestationalDiabetes
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Just tested positive for GD at W28 but had no advice yet from TMC
I just tested positive for GD yesterday, the gynae said I can probably control my diet and don't have to take insulin, and that someone will call me to advise about the routine. No one's reached out yet, and I haven't been given anything to prick myself with. Are there any strict no no's to be aware of? Any harm still eating 1 snack a day if I cut down on carbs during meals? I just received a huge box of cookies and cupcakes and tau sar pia and ice cream, I'm hungry, it's the weekend, and all these snacks are going to go bad. #GestationalDiabetes #pregnancy #advicepls
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Any nice fine dining places to recommend?
I'm going to be fully vacced soon and can finally dine in! Would love to hit up a $100-200++ fine dining restaurant before I pop, but a lot have menus with terrines, alcohol, smoked meats, raw seafood etc which is not suitable for pregnant ladies. Would anyone have recommendations please? Thanks! #pregnancy #restaurant
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