Terrible mum

I just wanna get this off my chest my baby fell from my arms because i accidentally fell asleep and i feel terrible. She is still so young. im worried and stress out if she is injured. Told my husband about the incident, he said just monitor the baby first. What if something were to happen in the middle of the night when we are sleeping. I feel useless.

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Dun feel useless! Last time in the early days i was so tired i kept dozing even during latching.. i learnt my lesson and lean on my bedframe.. sometimes when she slps on me, i will try to slp further from the edge wif baby on me (but i know quite sure i wun move but just be more careful).

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my youngest fell quite a few times 😬 so much so that i nicknamed him the bom-bom-bom baby... please take care & do not beat urself too much over it...

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Mothership comes with lots of lessons in itself … Don’t feel bad , it jus teaches us to be more careful n cautious 👍

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Are you too tired? Do also take care of your well being and for now can only monitor baby.

3y trước

Definitely tired.