Needed to rant
Needed to rant cause I know im being childish… I am actually jealous of my mum… My mum is helping me with confinement… so whenever baby cries, she will carry him… so much so that, when my baby is not comfortable and is crying in the middle of the night… i try my best to soothe him but he still crying and screaming, my mum will signal me and I handover baby to her.. and baby in her arms will stop crying. This happened so many times that I feel useless as a mum.. n also coz my breast milk is not thick, my mum will always jokingly say my milk so watery baby always hungry… always need to top up with Formula milk… I know she say as a fact, but it always made me feel like I’m a bad mum who can’t feed her baby…

regarding the watery milk, not sure if you are talking about foremilk, which may look abit more watery compare to hindmilk that looks "creamier". both are still provides baby w the nutrients they need. you can do some reading or check w lactation consultant if you have concerns regarding your mum being able to pacifer your baby better, im sure i would feel the jealousy of my mum and who knows, maybe even anger cos i may feel deprived of my chance to be a mum hands on myself. and i think it is great to he able acknowledge even the so call bad feelings and not sweep it under the carpet, trying to "force" ourselves to feel the gratitude. if your mum's ability to pacifer the baby leads you to feel useless and helpless, then let's explore how we can build up the skills in this area. is it how we carry baby? or maybe we are feeling really nervous internally due to lacking confidence and baby pick up that through feel hence we unable to stop baby from crying we have time to build up our relationship w our child and baby stage is just the initial period. there are so many more years to go. jia you! btw, mummy, if you are too overwhelmed w mummies duties or too tired, then also dun push yourself too much. self care and self love for the mummy goes a long way
Read moreOh Dear.. please don't feel this way 😪😢 First, Stress won't help 😫 try to calm yourself, soothe ur feelings and positive thinking while breastfeeding. I notice it affects the quality and quantity of milk we produce,.when Angry or frustrated, relax first before you latch. When feeling better then do it, and talk to your baby also while bfeeding. it builds the bond and makes them feel comfortable be happy ur mom is around still, I wish mine still too 😢. for milk, eat foods that will make ur milk thicker ie. avocado, dates, milk, oats, soups , massage? it'll help a loooot. I didn't do this with my first born, now my second one experiencing all what I mentioned and I can see the difference ,plus 6 days no formula pure breastmilk now is such a sweet feeling, Alhamdullilah. may Allah help u and make your bfeeding journey easy as well.. stay strong and smile. 🥹
Read moredont be too stressed abt it! during confinement, rest as much as u can. i was like u last time, when the CN keep carrying and able to soothe baby while i just watch and unable to do anyth. so my hubs ans i took the initiative to ask CN to let us take care of baby one night (then 1 week before she leave), also ask her the know how (which she didnt give but observe how she does it).. slowly but surely baby know who the caregiver is and is more assured w mommy and daddy. what CN said was true, since she came, she has been taking care hence baby familiarise with CN 'smell'. but it wont be long that baby will detach and attach to you. also abt milk, ur body will produce what baby needs, so watery or thick, its baby's choice. we cant really 'thicken' our milk per se, but our body will make the right milk for baby. jyjy!!
Read moreDun worry. I was like u. Baby cry, somehow, my mum always able to soothe them better and faster than me. That’s experience and skill. Learn from her. I watch my mum, observe and keep trying. Fail never mind. If need to, juz pass over to mum. Learn again. At least got experienced help that you can trust to help. ❤️ Also, it’s the middle of the night. Your mum is also being considerate to others. She doesn’t want baby’s crying to disturb others in the home. So she jumps to quickly help you. That’s love! ❤️ Dun give up, keep trying. Your baby/kid, will always be yours. They can sense you and know who you are. As long as they know you love and care for them, that bond really is unbreakable. All the best! Cheering you on! 💪🏼❤️🥳
Read moreCherish the fact that your mom is able to help you with your confinement. I regretted having a CN cos I don't get to see my newborn often as she sleeps in a separate room with him. In the middle of the night I can hear him crying, but I cannot go to him as she closed the door for her privacy as well. I miss my newborn's face and 1st month phase. She didn't allow me to carry him much as she's afraid I will wake him up (which translates to more work for her 🙄). I was also afraid that he might be attached to CN but now that he's in his 3rd month, he knows who his mom is. You could also be dealing with postnatal blues, it's normal. Take plenty of rest and carry him as much as you can ❤️
Read moreTrust me, babies will always know who their mummy is & that bond is unbreakable no matter what. Take another perspective, you’ve just given birth , you need all the rest that you can have . If baby can be soothed by your mum , why not . Let her handle while you recharge. likewise if there’s a need to top up for formula don’t need to feel bad, fed is best (: Don’t be so hard on yourself , you & baby still have many many years to go together(: having ample rest during confinement is crucial for your body & mental well being . You’ve got this mummy !
Read moreIt's your own mom. At least it's not your mil. But no matter what just take some time off to pamper yourself. Get some me time. The feeling of being a first time mom is exhilarating as you want to be there constantly and do things for your nb. You won't have much personal time after your confinement ends especially your spouse ends his PL and exhaust his VL.
Read moreI understand. My mum is my 2.5 year old’s main caregiver. I’m so grateful for her presence, but of course there are times when I feel as you do. I can tell you it definitely gets WAY better with time. Do share with your mother how you feel about the breast milk comments, though. She doesn’t realise she’s hurting you.
Read morei had the same experience when my child was a baby too...and was very upset like you that my baby only wants my mum. but thats only because baby knows her as the main caregiver at that time. so i know exactly how you feel....but dont worry about it. baby knows who mummy is...just keep bonding with him :)
Read moreAll breast milk is watery.. therefore baby who drink breast milk will poo more and get hungry often