3mo fell from bed while sleeping ):

Hi everyone… it was around 5am when i heard a loud thud and woke up suddenly only to realise i was screaming as i knew that my 3mo had fallen from bed. She was sleeping with my husband and my husband was hugging her but they were at the corner of the bed… The reason why she sleeps with us is because she won’t sleep with on her own in her cot/bassinet. I feel really awful… checked for any bruises or anything but there was nothing… husband said she was on the floor body down but head was turned sideways… i feel like it’s my fault for not taking the extra precautions and i feel like a bad mother… Wanted to bring her to the doctors to see if there’s anything wrong but husband said to just observe… I’m so tired, scared and worried. Any advice would be great… #advicepls #firstbaby

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I also feel so when my baby at 3 months know how to turn n she just fell infront of me from a distance and I didn't react fast enough cause I'm in shock. For my gal, I check for any external injuries first, then check for any crying from her, based on my mum its better to hear crying straight after the fall than in any other state. then monitor her activity and make sure she is not lethargic and still active, no vomiting and still taking milk normally. ever did mention to my pd abt the fall days later cause to see her diaper rash but pd doesn't seems to be much borther abt the fall and say its normal for baby to fall and as long as everything is normal still pee the correct amount and still eating well and active, will be okie. each baby fall is diff so not sure how you may want to handle. she fall again a couple of days later at my mum place again..you are not a bad mum totally understand your anxiousness and worried and my husband, same as yours ask me to monitor.

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4y trước

make sure to get all the sides covered incase he may fall, even mattress on the floor..my gal has been sleeping 360 going around the cot even till now going to be 1 yr old. my gal, she dun like to sleep in the cot and only likes our bed. when she is abt to sleep, we place her back to cot she will cry again. no choice can only put her back when she is in deep sleep.

Hi. My 5 month old bb also recently fell off from the changing table which is about 90cm, landing on the marble floor on the left side of the head. Brought to kkh children A&E immediately and the duty doctor perform a physical assessment and informed me that an x-ray will not be of much use as cannot show soft tissue damage or internal bleeding, ask us to just monitor the bb condition for 72 hours. We were discharged without any medication. If lethargic, persistent vomiting, seizures, unresponsive then you may wish to visit the hospital. Lucky nothing happened to my bb. You may wish to refer to the following for more information : https://www.kkh.com.sg/patient-care/conditions-treatments/head-injury-childhood-illnesses/ Hope your bb is fine too.

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4y trước

Thank you for sharing your experience with me, baby feels much better now. Thank you

Don’t beat yourself over it. My boy fell off while crawling on a park bench when he was 7mo cos I was was too busy taking photos of him and didn’t notice him going too close to the edge. He cried in pain for 3 mins and I cried out of guilt for the next 3 hours. Think husband had a harder time calming me down. Our boy is 3yo now and he’s a completely normal threenager. My friends also had accidents like closing the door on baby’s hand etc. Stuff happens. Guilt is normal. We learn from it and we get better. 🤪💪🏽 Hope your lil one is all good now! As long as no vomiting, eats and sleeps normally, should be ok!

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Super Mom

Hey Mama, Happened to me and my baby once. Please monitor for swelling and vomiting. To be on the safe side, bring baby for an x ray just to make sure. Hospital will usually keep baby for 1 day for observation. You may want to consider moving your mattress to the floor.

4y trước

Thank you, considering to actually move the mattress onto the floor

Please bring her to see the doctor. We're not professionals, we don't know what to look out for. so maybe before its too late better bring her in? don't feel like you're a bad mother. we all make mistakes ok? thats how we learn.

4y trước

Thank you, thank goodness baby is fine now. I’ll be more vigilant so this incident won’t happen again

Just sharing. We set up his bed this way once he started sleeping on his own. 😊

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