Can you vape when pregnant?

I am in my first trimester and I suspect I am pregnant. I vape daily. Wanted to find out if vaping bad during pregnancy? Should I stop vaping?

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You need to be pregnant to be in your first trimester. So are you in your first trimester or are you still wondering if you’re pregnant? So if you are in your first trimester, or if you suspect you are pregnant, why would you risk? Vaping or cigarettes are all considered harmful. Just because it smells fruity doesn’t mean it’s harmless. Pretty sure you can Google this easily. You don’t need people on the forum to tell you whether you should quit unless you decided to. I used to be a smoker and I vape as well before I got pregnant. Unless I personally want to, even if you tell me to quit, I will tell you ok but I will still continue. I stopped completely and immediately after I tested positive. 9m PP and I never looked back. Never have I thought I’d be the one stopping people from smoking or vaping in my flat.

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