I cant help but cried and felt super sad when hubby told me "i think ur pregnancy is quite relax and nt tedious hor, cox i also nv see u in much pain" Matter of fact is, when i was nt feeling well and in great pain, either he was nt by my side or just ignore me. All these i also nv complaint a word, jus endure the pain and still gotta look aft no 1 myself who is jus 15mo. I have very bad lower back and joint issue which i cant stand or walk too much even when im a normal person(nt preg). I will experience sharp piercing pain as and when now cox gynae says pelvic bones are expanding, thus the pain will be more and frequent. I could feel the pain until i cried. But most heartpain is, hubby thinks its ok and just endure lo or take pain killer if its so unbearable. Sigh... to some extent, i rather nt tell him and make myself feeling terrible. Sometimes i would just wanna rest and lie dwn on my back and hubby will say like "wah u very eng hor, can rest liao and u expect me to look aft no1 isit" It hurts to hear this leh. I cant help but cry deep down. Feeling heartbroken.

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