I am a mother of a 2 yr old and we are planning a baby. We have made several attempts but doctors say that we as a couple cannot conceive. My family is very religious and superstitious. We have a religious Guru who says I should have sex with him and will surely conceive. That's tantric sex. My in laws are encouraging me to do the same saying it will be service to the Guru and my husband too feels this is the last resort. What should I do? I am not really in favor of this option.

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this is the most ridicilous thing i've heard.. you just need to keep praying, trying and leave all your trust to the All Mighty God.. You should only concieve with your husband.. what if that Guru has sickness that can't be cured? it would effect your baby and you too.. what if someday your husband,in laws put all the guilt to you if something you didn't want to happen in your family?? just think positive.. i will share tips that i've got from others.. first, they said the right time for us who trying to concieve is at early morning between 6am to 7am.. that is when our egg most active.. second you must eat all types of peanuts,milk.. third, 12-16day from your period calendar is the right time to concieve as it high chance of pregnancy..fourth,there is no need for you and your husband to do it all the time.. i mean days straight,every night.. no there is no need for that.. fifth,for sure you need to know the right position to concieve.. you can find it on google.. just try all the tips.. before i forgot,don't eat something that taste sour.. it doesn't help..consume folic acid.. buy at pharmacies..

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It is sad that there are still such practices going on several parts of the world and we in 2016 believe in all this and give into the situation. Think logically. That's not tantric sex, that is a sex by a goon who has coloured the mind of your family taking advantage of the superstitious nature of your family. I wonder, your husband a man of this generation, how can he not understand what's going on, and he is ready if someone else physically pounces on his wife in the garb of some stupid beliefs. Instead of ruining your lives like this, try and focus and what you have. Put your energies in the beautiful life you have with your daughter. And if you are so desperate to have another baby, visit a DOCTOR. There is IVF, surrogacy and many more through which you can have a baby. And please do not fall into the trap of any babas. If your family doesn't listen, get your parents involved in this. Get some sane guy from your friends side or relatives to speak to them and educate them.

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I think u have to report this guru to the police, I don't know how many people have been cheated by this guru, there's lots of news about this kind of swindler, I believe u have to pay this guru in order to have 'sex' with him, and at the end of the day he gets the money and free sex, what if he can't make u pregnant? Anyway this is such a scam, don't ever do it, you will definitely regret anyway doctor already said both of u can't conceive, I don't think that guru can make u conceive either, he is not god but a swindler, just adopt another baby, if not u still have a Daughter, be thankful and nurture her in all your ways, some couples whom are married for Long, don't even have a child, doesn't matter it's a boy or girl m, we are living in 2016, do consider all the consequences before agreeing to such a ridiculous superstitious agreement...pls by all means stand up for your own rights and decline or reject this idea.

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You are already a mother and you have conceived in the past. There maybe some issues for about 2 years. I will suggest you seek medical advices further, either western or TCM, and you may offer prayers to your religion. I am a member from a religious society and I herewith did not believe the advice from your guru. If needed, I welcome your guru to challenge in front of me, I can organise a religions interrogation of such practice in any religions. Young lady, protect yourselves, eager to conceive but let not be deceive in the whispers of a wrongdoer.

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Correct me if I'm wrong. Did the guru suggest that you have sex with HIM (not your husband) in order to conceive? That's open adultery. I can't believe your in laws are encouraging this practice. It's really unbelievable. Nobody can guarantee conception. Have you tried IVF or IUI? Otherwise, do consider adoption. I have a friend who adopted a baby with her husband and she is extremely happy. Would you actually feel comfortable having sex with someone else who isn't your husband when you're still married to him?

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I'm not sure why you can't conceive even after having a 2 year old. But there are many many ways you can try. Many other Drs and fertility experts to check with. A guru who says you should have sex with him is a liar. Guru is a teacher who teaches right from wrong. Does this feel right to you? Never do this. Never believe this kind of people, preachers, gurus etc. If your in laws n husband force you to do this then their mind is swayed in the wrong way n you may need outside help to back you up. Pls take care.

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If you're really uncomfortable then talk to your family and tell them how you feel. But if you feel/think there's a glimmer of hope of conceiving through the method suggested by your Guru then why not try it? Nothing to lose in my opinion. I know some relatives who went through even more elaborate processes to conceive -- visiting shrines and going to traditional doctors overseas. But at the end of the day, it's really up to you. If you're not really really not comfortable then don't do it.

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8y trước

It's funny tat u mentioned there's nothing to lose..by having sex with de guru..?? Wow.. U r really open minded.. That u r willing to share ur partner/husband with other ladies out there..

that is just crazy to have sex with some "religous guru"... doesnt that mean the father of the baby is his instead of ur husband? 😅.. instead of resorting to such insane method, why dont you have a bidan to massage your rahim. your rahim might not be at the right place(jatuh maybe) . at the same time both you and husband should start eating zinc supplement. also for you, not only take zinc but also folic acid.

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6y trước

also make sure you know when is your most fertile time.. download the app ladytimer. eat proper food too that can help your fertility. check this site out https://www.everydayhealth.com/pregnancy/getting-pregnant/foods-that-make-you-fertile.aspx

this kind of thing definitely won't work, the "guru" is just making use of your family's superstitious mind. If you can't conceive try test tube pregnancy in a hospital. this sort of rubbish said by the guru is just because he wants to make use of you. if the doctor say cannot conceive you have sex with anyone also no use one. go see professionals to try conceiving through medical means is better.

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There's no way you should give in to these ridiculous demands made by your in-laws. Like you yourself said, these are nothing but superstitions. Looks like your in-laws want to exploit you. If there is undue pressure, you must take legal recourse. As far as having a baby is concerned, you can go in for IVF or any other method that suits you after consulting your doctor.

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