I am 2 months pregnant. I just saw blood spotting on my undergarments. Am I having a miscarriage?

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not necessarily. I spotted off and on for the first 3 months. doc and hospital said implantation. but to be sure I would ask a professional

i had go thru this situation ..yes ,i had miscarriage 2 months n after done d&c..even just pink spotting like one drop aso cause miscarriage...

It happened to me too on and off from the 6th week mark but stopped after 8 weeks. Ultrasounds were all normal. Also spotting should be brown not red

5y trước

Brown is okay? Im 6 weeks and 2 days oreggy, my check up in only this sat. I have brownish spotting.a bit scared

It really just depends bc you can have spotting In the first trimester but to be safe you still go get checked immediately.

Obgyn told me it's okay as long as I DONT see blood in the toilet. But still get checked just in case

this happened to me too yesterday, I am two months pregnant I'm so worried

visit your doctor to find out what's going on..I hope you two are doing fine. tc

that could mean anyrhing but definitely go see your doctor


please go see a doctor immediately