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Domestic diva of 1 sweet superhero
pulling toddler arm while playing
I am so careful playing with my child but our relatives or guest always surprises me by holding my baby pulling the arm while playing *just like in the picture *and these makes me anxious and think should I tell them or not?.and makes me angry by letting it to happen because I don't want to hurt their feeling and not telling them .
Postpartum hair loss
I'm suffering from a great hair loss after giving birth to my son. Has any one of you experience these?
newborn BABY milk intake
how often(2/half hours to 4 hour's) youre you're newborn one month baby has his daily breastfeed or formula milk?
My baby boy is born and having sore breast
son is born few days ago and not much breast milk ..and due to breast pump my nipples are sore and got cracks..what do use to heal fast?thanks.new mama here.
how do you deal with headaches during pregnancy?
How do you deal with headaches during pregnancy?
Cramping during pregnancy
someone close to me was pregnant too and when she gets tired,she feel cramping every now and then, is this normal?shes worried
examination for unborn child
are there any pregnant women here who undergo examination test for unborn child?is this just more on blood tests or ultrasounds?