How can I teach my kid healthy eating and exercise habits?

Mahatma Gandhi said — 'Be the change you want to see in the world'. Another quote that immediately comes to my mind — 'Practice before you preach'. I can quote more but seriously, kids love to ape their parents. If you want your kid to eat spinach, dump that packet of chips and head for palak paneer! Be enthusiastic about eating palak, karela and the likes that you probably hate. I have observed this with my 2yo. She loves to eat what Mama is eating. When it comes to exercise, she knows that Mama likes to run once in a while and stretches herself on the floor. I don't get surprised when she tries to lift her lower body and says 'Look mama, I'm doing yoga!' I agree it can be difficult to keep up with the healthy eating and exercising, but hey, you better be the role model your kid is seeking :)
Read morein most cases, your kids will always follow your example and do the same. i am a firm believer in living a healthy lifestyle, and i have seen that ever since i started bringing in the change in me, my kids followed the same. i stopped eating fried and junk food and they kind of stopped too. i never have any colas or sodas and till date they have not had it as well. they are 10 and 4. i exericise every day and even though they are not able to do everything i do, they try to do some of it. what i mean is that whatever positive lifestyle habits you want them to adopt, you wil have to make sure you follow them too first.
Read moreIts not very difficult. Make it a habit since the time the kids start having solids to ensure that they have nutritious meals and snacks, which would include all food groups. Don't give in to their demands. Don't store junk in the fridge. As they start growing older, tell them about the benefits of healthy eating, don't lecture them though. Take them to the market and buy fruits and vegetables with them. Encourage them to play out every evening. Make a no gadget rule in the evening. Enroll them in any sport of their choice. Good habits once inculcated will remain for life..
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i will say show examples. Kids follow us. When we do healthy and eat healthy, our kids will naturally follow us
Examples and living model. Be the example you want your child to follow. Be the role model!