feeding baby

How do u breastfeeding mummies wake up at night to latch newborn? Do u set alarm or is baby’s cry your alarm?

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My baby’s crying or stirring is my alarm. By right, you need to follow your baby’s hunger cues like stirring, sucking fingers, clenched fist and not wait until baby cries (late hunger cues) but I tend to oversleep and wake only when baby cries.

Super Mom

Their cries. But if i havent sleep and it has been at least 3 hrs, i dreamfeed. So tht i wont hv to wake up soon aft sleeping. 😂

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Baby cry definitely! But sometimes your body automatically wakes up for feed. Cause your boobs will be leaking if it's too long

Influencer của TAP

I wake up when baby wakes up or cries. Used to sleep like a log but am so sensitive to baby now that I'm a mother.

Super Mom

Baby’s cry is more than enough to be an alarm 😂

Baby cry will be the best alarm

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Baby’s cry is THE alarm 😂

Influencer của TAP

Wait for baby cues.

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Baby’s cry😅

Super Mom

Baby cries :)