How to do the night feedings of newborn ?

Hi Mummies, I have a question and I am already feeling guilty about it :( Our baby boy is 36 days old. We put alarm every 3 hours at night to feed him but recently due to tiredness I guess, somehow we always miss the alarm and our boy keeps sleeping for 4 hours and sometimes more. Me and my husband both get up startled and guilty that we didn’t wake him up to feed him. Has anyone else faced this ? Is it okay to let the baby sleep through at night if he himself is not getting up ? #firsttimemom #firstbaby

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I keep checking with my gynae and baby doctors and they always insist we wake the baby up every three hours for a feed. The poor baby can oversleep too so it's up to us to care for them. Once I overslept too for six hours and my five weeks baby was crying so weakly ( from hunger I assume!) and sadly. I was heartbroken! Trust me i got reprimanded by the doctor for that one incident. Don't trust tiktok influencers too. I keep seeing them leaving their newborns to sleep more than six hour stretches at night. Your baby depends on you so Jia you!

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hihi! for my daughter's 1st month, my nanny would feed her every 3 hours even though she was asleep. now she is 5 weeks old i just let her sleep til she wakes up and cry for milk. sometimes she can sleep for 4-6 hrs, sometimes 3 hrs then she will wake up and cry for milk. i think it is ok for babies to feed on demand😂

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1y trước

u r welcome! fighting mama!💪🏻❤️

since baby is past 1 month,i think ok not to wake the baby but also do monitor for weight gain as night feeds are important for that too😊for my daughter we woke her for feeds as she had jaundice problem so got to make sure she took her milk regularly

1y trước

Great tip. Will do

My baby is 5 weeks old. For the last few weeks she could sleep 4-5 hours straight at night so we only feed when she wakes and demand for food. She is gaining weight well so not to worry!

1y trước

Yes! There was once my baby slept for 6 hours straight even! Haha

For my LO, we fed on demand previously. Just need t monitor weight gain if it is normal and might want to increase the day intake (cause I feel sleep is important too!)

I think ok not to wake your LO. I too have a new born and sometimes she sleeps longer than 3/4 hrs too. As long as your boy is feeding well on demand. 👍🏻

We feed on demand for my first baby. We dun go strictly on 3h window. My gal could sleep thru the night after some time too.. so we all the more dun wake her up..

1y trước

I dont lah. Haha. To us we feel if she hungry she will wake up for food n scream hahaha

for night feeds, i will choose to wait till the bb to ask for it if not i will just let him sleep as long as it wants

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I would only feed on demand…. 😅😅

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i only fed on demand ❤

1y trước

Thanks Dawn :)