Feeling depressed

Feeling really depressed as it seemed like baby doesn't like me... He cries so much when I carry him and refuse to sleep, but seemed so calm when my MIL or confinement nanny carries him and sleeps soundly. My MIL and nanny also kept making comments such as its because the way I carry the baby is uncomfortable for him, I dont know how to carry him, I am not good at calming him etc, I'm slow in diaper changing, I can't understand his cries etc... My MIL blames me whenever baby cries too. I'll be the only one taking care of him once the nanny leaves as my family will be working in their respective offices. I'm not confident that I'll be able to handle him alone and put him to sleep etc. It's only 3 weeks since baby is out and I feel like a failure as a mom already.

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Come on girl. No one can walk straight when born. The nanny and you mil are experienced old fox. We can't compared ourselves with them so lets not feel sad. You can learn from youtube or ask your peer. Do it step by step don't push yourself too hard k. Most new mother experiences the same thing, NB likes to bully FTM. If they condemn you again, just tell them THIS IS MY FIRST BABY, SOMETHING WRONG IF I KNOW EVERYTHING AND DO IT PERFECTLY 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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