Does ur husband increase his allowance given to you once the baby is out?

Usually I never ask money from hubby. I never buy things outside at mall. I use my own things or wear clothes until their condition really not suitable to use anymore. But once i open my mouth and ask, my hubby ve to buy for me. Last thing i bought is a House. Under my name.
Working no allowance. I am not working now. And yes there is allowance. Ideally should increase allowance once baby out. But if he is handling baby expenses then no increase is fine.
Hmmm. Ours is a pooled fund. Ever since with a lo, we definitely used more money from that pooled fund
Never before any having a baby and after having one, the allowance is pathetic too
No, because we both work and I dont like the idea of using his money.
He keep 1k for his own daily expenses and give all his salary to me..
Only slightly because I am still working..More for baby expenses
Consider yes. As whenever I need money I use his credit card
No, cos we have joint finances, so I use whatever I need.
No allowance as I’m also working.