cramps during first tri

does anyone get cramps during first tri? is it normal?

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I had very bad cramps and was quite stressed about it. I consulted the GYN and we did an ultrasound and saw no issue. She said it can be the implantation egg at first and the placenta growing. You should check with your gyn. Better than worrying alone....

I had stabbing cramps like crazy and worried it could be ectopic as it was my first pregnancy. But when i went KK to check, my baby is growing well, all is well. I was 6 or 8 weeks at that time. But pls get yourself checked asap.

Depend what kind of cramp. Is better to let ur gyane know for safety

Thành viên VIP

Best to consult your gynaecologist...Take care!

Influencer của TAP

It's not normal. See your gynae.

Thành viên VIP

best to consult your gynae

Influencer của TAP

had leg cramps

