Hi ftm here my baby was 2months and 18 days but i notice she refuse to drink milk and she get fussy.She having a poor apetite and i see her body weight going down but she's totally fine,by the way i am fulltime breastfeeding.Is it normal?or should i worried?#breastmilkBaby #FTM #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #firstbaby #advicepls
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Hi im currently 5 weeks after my c section.I am full breastfeeding mum.But i notice my whole body ache.I took panadol everytime i feel in pain but never make me feel better.Anyone who go through before like this.I almost cant hold my LO to breastfeed😪😪 Especially my back and my hip🥲🥲#firsttimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp #advisepls #tiredness
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Hi mummies kind a worry here im 32 weeks 1 day today.Igot my checkup and my baby weight 2.38kg.The doctor talk to me that my baby chubby she told me on next month if the my baby getting bigger i need to be induce🥲actually i dont have any medical problem like diabetes or anything.How is induce labour anyone go throught it before?Actually i never eat a lot ,snack also i never take.I dont know why my baby get bigger.Anyone do induce labour here b4 And hows the epidural effect after giving birth? #advicepls 🙏thanks and advace
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31weeks pregnant- Hi im FTM i notice that since i enter my 29 weeks of pregnancy i having tight tummy unti now 31 weeks but i notice that my tummy tightneng constantly in a whole day?Is this is normal or any mummies encounter like this?i dont have any vaginal discahrged but i really worried of having a constantly tight or contraction.#firstbaby #firsttimemom anyone can experience this coz my tummy tightening like 10 to 12 times in a day
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