Csect Enquiries
Just wondering if i can wear my spects into the op theatre? First time mom here haha And I was told by my mom need to remove gel manicure so they can monitor nailbed? Is that true? ?

They’ll remove your specs for you before you go onto the operating table. Remove the gel manicure so they can monitor your oxygen level with a probe that is placed on your finger:) This is important especially because you’ll be having some form of anaesthesia, so you need to be monitored closely. All the best!
Read moreI delivered via c-sect June last year. All metallic accessories will have to be removed including your spec. And yes, they’ll remove your nail polish if the classic one. Otherwise, remove it before the op as your blood flow will be monitored.
No, cannot wear specs. Manicure need to remove so docs can observe any issues via nail bed should anything happen during the procedure.
No specs no external thing allowed. Usually manicure and pedicure are removed to ensure nurse and doc can check color of your nails
Need to remove 👓